
上海世博中心 Shanghai Expo Centre | 中国上海 Shanghai, China
Kubernetes管理者资格证(CKA)在线考试 – 立即注册并节省$50美金 / 325人民币
关于:Kubernetes管理者资格证(CKA)项目由云原生计算基金会(CNCF) 与 Linux 基金会联合创建,旨在促进 Kubernetes生态系统的发展。作为速度第四快的开源项目,Kubernetes 的使用呈爆炸式增长。
云原生计算基金会(CNCF)致力于发展 Kubernetes 管理员社区,从而促进使用 Kubernetes 的各类公司和企业持续增长。认证是这一过程中的关键步骤,它将允许经过认证的管理员在就业市场上快速建立自己的信誉和价值,并可促进企业能够更高效地聘用高素质团队以支持企业成长。
将 CKA 考试添加到您 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit 2019中国论坛的注册中,可节省 50 美元。于6月13日后注册的参会者将会在2019年6月27日至7月3日之间收到有CKA认证团队发送的优惠券,以及如何使用优惠券注册考试的说明。考试将通过远程监控在线进行,并可于全天候进行,您将有 12 个月的时间通过考试。访问https://www.cncf.io/certification/expert/获取有关考试的更多信息。
费用:250 美元——如果与 Kubernetes 基础课程一同报名,两者折后价格合计为 399 美元。
此项优惠需要预先注册,将此考试添加到您现有的 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit 2019中国论坛注册中(注册表即将公布)。于6月13日后注册的参会者将会在2019年6月27日至7月3日之间收到有CKA认证团队发送的优惠券,以及如何使用优惠券注册考试的说明。
Certified Kubernetes Administrator Online Exam – Register Now & Save $50
Exam Details
About: The Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) program was created by Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), in collaboration with The Linux Foundation, to help develop the Kubernetes ecosystem. As the fourth highest velocity open source project, Kubernetes use is exploding.
Cloud Native Computing Foundation is committed to growing the community of Kubernetes Administrators, thereby allowing continued growth across the broad set of companies and organizations that are using Kubernetes. Certification is a key step in that process, allowing certified administrators to quickly establish their credibility and value in the job market, and also allowing companies to more quickly hire high-quality teams to support their growth.
Save $50 on the CKA Exam by adding it to your KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit 2019 registration. Attendees who registered after June 13 will receive a voucher and instructions from the CKA Certification Team between June 27 to July 3, 2019, along with instructions on how to register for the exam using your voucher. The exam is delivered online via remote proctoring and available 24/7, and you will have 12 months to complete the exam. Get more info on the exam at https://www.cncf.io/certification/expert/.
Delivery: Online
Cost: $250 – If paired with Kubernetes Fundamentals Course, you’ll receive both for $399.
How to register:
Pre-registration is required. Add this exam to your KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit 2019 registration. Attendees who registered after June 13 will receive a voucher and instructions from the CKA Certification Team between June 27 to July 3, 2019, along with instructions on how to register for the exam using your voucher.
Kubernetes 基础课程
关于:由Linux基金会创建的LFS258 Kubernetes Fundamentals是一门网络学习课程,涵盖了解并快速掌握Kubernetes所需的基本知识,以开始构建分布可扩展、容错,并易于管理的应用程序(可扩展、容错并易于管理)。
即刻将 LFS258 课程添加到您的 Kubecon 中国论坛的注册中,将节省 50 美元。访问https://training.linuxfoundation.org/linux-courses/system-administration-training/kubernetes-fundamentals获取 LFS258 课程的更多信息。
费用:249 美元——如果与 CKA 考试一同报名,两者折后价格合计为 399 美元。
适用对象:希望了解如何部署和管理 Kubernetes 的开发人员和系统管理员。
所需的背景知识:为了充分利用本课程,您应该具备基本的 Linux 命令行技能,并且至少具备一些 Linux 容器知识(例如 Docker)。
材料:1 年内在线访问所有课程内容和实验。
100% 在线学习,自行把握学习进度
旨在帮助您开始设计/构建应用程序编排解决方案,并了解它们如何与 Docker图像配合使用
此项优惠需要预先注册,将此考试添加到您现有的 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit 2019中国论坛注册中(注册表即将公布)。于6月13日后注册的参会者将会在2019年6月27日至7月3日之间收到有CKA认证团队发送的优惠券,以及如何使用优惠券注册考试的说明。
Kubernetes Fundamentals Course – Register Now & Save $50
Course Details
About: Created by The Linux Foundation, the LFS258 Kubernetes Fundamentals is an e-learning course that covers the fundamentals needed to understand Kubernetes and get quickly up-to-speed, to start building distributed applications that will scale, be fault-tolerant, and simple to manage.
Save $50 on the LFS258 Course by adding it to your KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit 2019. Attendees who registered after June 13 will receive a voucher and instructions from the CKA Certification Team between June 27 to July 3, 2019, along with instructions on how to register for the exam using your voucher. Get more info on the LFS258 Course at https://training.linuxfoundation.org/linux-courses/system-administration-training/kubernetes-fundamentals.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Delivery: Online Self-Paced
Cost: $249 – If paired with CKA Exam, you’ll receive both for $399.
Who It’s For: Developers and system administrators who want to learn how to deploy and administrate Kubernetes.
Prerequisites: To get the most out of this course, you should have basic Linux command line skills and at least some knowledge of Linux containers (e.g. Docker).
Materials: 1-year online access to all course content and labs.
100% online and self-paced
Loaded with labs (and solutions) designed by our experts
Designed to help you start designing/architecting application orchestration solutions and know how they will work with Docker images.
*Please note this course is online only and will not be offered onsite in Shanghai.
How to Register:
Add this course to your existing KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit 2019 registration. Attendees who registered after June 13 will receive a voucher and instructions from the CKA Certification Team between June 27 to July 3, 2019, along with instructions on how to register for the exam using your voucher./strong>
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