上海世博中心 Shanghai Expo Centre | 中国上海 Shanghai, China
Alibaba Cloud Hands-on lab :Kubernetes动手实践课堂
Alibaba Cloud Hands-on lab :Kubernetes动手实践课堂
时间:8:00 – 16:00
注册费:免费. 已售罄,等候名单可用
简介:本沙龙邀请各位参会者动手实践,在聆听容器专家的分享同时,尝试基于阿里云的云原生体验,内容涉及弹性伸缩、日志、网络优化等最佳实践,也有serverless、Istio、Knative等社区热点项目分享。并会发布两个重磅项目: App Hub- 面向所有开发者的Kubernetes 应用管理中心,Kruise – 源自全球顶级互联网场景的 Kubernetes 自动化开源项目集。
如何注册:此活动须提前注册。请将 Alibaba Cloud Hands-on lab 添加到您 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit 的注册表里。
如果对此活动有任何疑问,请发送邮件至 huanmu.mh@alibaba-inc.com。
Alibaba Cloud Hands-on lab
Date: Monday June 24, 2019
Time: 8:00 – 16:00
Location: Shanghai Expo Centre
Registration Fees: Complimentary. Sold Out, Waitlist Available.
Presentation will be in: Chinese
This workshop invites participants to practice, with the guides of container experts, we will try using Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes(ACK) and open source tools. This lab covers best practices of Elastic scaling, networking logging etc and open source tools such as Istio, Knative, Flink. You will as well meet two new exciting tools – App Hub and Kruise.
P.S. : Please bring your computer while attending this workshop. And the whole workshop will be in Chinese Mandarin.
How to Register: Pre-registration is required. To register for Alibaba Cloud Hands-on lab, add it on during your KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit registration.
For questions regarding this event, please reach out to huanmu.mh@alibaba-inc.com.
Amazon EKS Hands-on Workshop| AWS 容器服务技术开放日
Amazon EKS Hands-on Workshop| AWS 容器服务技术开放日
时间:9:00 – 16:00
本次AWS容器服务技术开放日将向参会者介绍Amazon Web Services(AWS)的容器服务,以及对Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes(Amazon EKS)基本概念和关键特性进行分享。容器可提供一种标准的方法来将您应用程序的代码、配置和依赖关系打包为单个对象。容器可共享服务器上安装的操作系统,并可作为资源受到隔离的进程予以运行,从而可以快速、可靠、一致地进行部署 AWS 云可针对优化运行容器提供基础设施资源以及一套编排服务,从而使您能轻松在生产环境中构建和运行容器化应用程序。
* 温馨提示:请参加的嘉宾携带自己的电脑以。本沙龙沟通语言为中文。
您可以从https://aws.amazon.com/kubernetes/了解更多有关Kubernetes on AWS的信息。
如何注册:此活动须提前注册。请在这里为您将参加的Amazon EKS Hands-on Workshop注册。
如果对此活动有任何疑问,请发送邮件至 yalaqiao@amazon.com 。
Amazon EKS Hands-on Workshop
Date: Monday June 24, 2019
Time: 9:00 – 16:00
Location: Shanghai Expo Centre
Registration Fees: Complimentary
Presentation will be in: Chinese
All the goodness of AWS, with the familiarity of Kubernetes. Begin your KubeCon 2019 in Shanghai by learning how Amazon EKS makes it easy to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications using Kubernetes on AWS.
This event will discuss the EKS roadmap, talk about machine learning and deep learning on EKS, do a workshop to get you hands-on with EKS, and talk to customers and partners about how they’re using and integrating with EKS.
Please bring your laptops to help setup for the EKS workshop.
How to register: Pre-registration is required. Register here for Amazon EKS Hands-on Workshop.
For questions regarding this event, please reach out to yalaqiao@amazon.com.
Apache ServiceComb Meetup hosted by Huawei
Apache ServiceComb Meetup hosted by Huawei
时间:9:00 – 12:30
Apache ServiceComb 是业界首个Apache 微服务顶级项目,致力于提供一站式微服务开源解决方案,帮助企业、用户和开发者将企业应用轻松微服务化上云,实现对微服务应用的高效运维管理。
微服务并不是银弹,华为于2012年开始实践微服务,将ServiceComb捐赠给Apache,Apache ServiceComb在不到一年的时间内毕业成为顶级项目,并一直坚持“Apache Way”,继续和众企业和开发者一起探索如何更好地进行微服务化和云化。
– 微服务关键架构技术
– 大型企业大规模微服务实践
– Apache ServiceComb最新创新子项目发布
– 共同讨论微服务的问题和发展
如何注册:此活动须提前注册。请将 Apache ServiceComb Meetup中国峰会 添加到您 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit 的注册表里。
如果对此活动有任何疑问,请发送邮件至 adam_189@163.com。
Apache ServiceComb Meetup hosted by Huawei
Date: Monday June 24, 2019
Time: 9:00 – 12:30
Location: Shanghai Expo Centre
Registration Fees: Complimentary
Presentation will be in: Chinese
Apache ServiceComb is the first Apache microservices Top-Level project, it is an Open Source microservices software solution that enables developers to easily build and manage microservices-based applications efficiently and conveniently.
Microservices are not silver bullets. Huawei started to practice microservices in 2012 and donated ServiceComb to ASF. Apache ServiceComb graduated as a Top-Level Project in less than a year. It has always adhered to the “Apache Way” and continues to work with the public developers explore how to better build and manage there microservices-based cloud native applications.
This is a great opportunity for developers, and CTOs to get first-hand information on key technologies and architectures of micro-services, excellent practices in micro-services, and micro-service technology innovations. Attendees can share there experience and innovating ideas in microservice field.
Attendees can get,
– Critical microservice architecture technology
– Large-scale microservices practices from large enterprises
– Latest innovative subproject of Apache ServiceComb
– Discuss the difficulties and development of microservices together
How to Register: Pre-registration is required. To register for Apache ServiceComb Meetup, add it on during your KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit registration.
For questions regarding this event, please reach out to adam_189@163.com.
Chinese-Originated CNCF Project Community Reception hosted by CNCF, VMware, Alibaba Cloud and PingCAP
中国原创CNCF项目社区沙龙- 由CNCF, VMware, 阿里云和PingCAP联合主办
时间:14:00 – 17:00
如何注册:此活动须提前注册。请将 Chinese-Originated CNCF Project Community Reception 添加到您 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit 的注册表里。
如果对此活动有任何疑问,请发送邮件至 Harbor@vmware.com。
Chinese-Originated CNCF Project Community Reception hosted by CNCF, VMware, Alibaba Cloud and PingCAP
Date: Monday June 24, 2019
Time: 14:00 – 17:00
Location: Shanghai Expo Centre
Registration Fees: Complimentary. Sold Out, Waitlist Available.
Presentation will be in: Chinese
We invite the cloud native community to join us for an afternoon of networking with peers! The maintainers of three China-originated CNCF projects – Harbor, DragonFly and TiKV – will share the latest development update of the projects. Come exchange ideas, and share best practices in using these projects in your cloud native environment. You’ll also have the opportunity to provide feedback on the latest roadmap, which the maintainers of the projects will share. Developers will learn how to contribute to these projects, and end users will share their use cases. This will be a casual event, so come and enjoy an afternoon with the community members!
How to Register: Pre-registration is required. To register for Chinese-Originated CNCF Project Community Reception, add it on during your KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit registration.
For questions regarding this event, please reach out to Harbor@vmware.com.
Cloud Native Elite hosted By Huawei
Cloud Native Elite hosted By Huawei
时间:13:30 – 16:00
近些年来,企业在云原生应用的投资正在逐步取代对传统应用的投资,预示着企业已经开始新一轮的数字化转型,即由传统IT应用时代进入云原生应用时代。为推广云原生技术,助力企业的云原生转型,华为联合CNCF,先后推出了Cloud Native Days和Lives云原生技术系列活动。
今年的同场会议上,华为再次联合CNCF推出Cloud Native Elite系列活动,活动旨在为企业提供一个云原生转型的经验交流平台,届时,我们将邀请多个云原生转型成功的企业分享他们的成功经验。
如何注册:此活动须提前注册。请将 Cloud Native Elite 添加到您 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit 的注册表里。
如果对此活动有任何疑问,请发送邮件至 jie.mao@huawei.com。
Cloud Native Elite hosted By Huawei
Date: Monday, 24 June, 2019
Time: 13:30 – 16:00
Location: Shanghai Expo Centre
Registration Fees: Complimentary
Presentation will be in: Chinese
Enterprises are reducing investment in traditional applications and increasing investment in cloud-native applications. Today, most enterprises have entered a new phase of digital transformation that involves transitioning from traditional IT applications to cloud-native applications. To promote cloud native technologies, Huawei and CNCF jointly launched series of events including Cloud Native Days and Cloud Native Lives.
This time we will launch Cloud Native Elite。If you are spending days wondering how to make the transition from traditional IT applications to cloud native applications, then this event is for you. Join us in witnessing the most amazing success stories.
How to Register: Pre-registration is required. To register for Cloud Native Elite , add it on during your KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit registration.
For questions regarding this event, please reach out to jie.mao@huawei.com。
Continuous Delivery Summit hosted by CDF
Continuous Delivery Summit hosted by CDF
时间:8:00 – 16:00
注册费:人民币100元 / 15美金
持续交付峰会是一个为期一天的活动,将开源CI / CD社区汇集在一起。这一天将包括主题演讲,项目展示和终端用户的故事,以及BoF会议。与同行会面并推动未来持续交付的方向。
如何注册:此活动须提前注册。请将 Continuous Delivery Summit 添加到您 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit 的注册表里。
如果对此活动有任何疑问,请发送邮件至 events@cncf.io.
Continuous Delivery Summit hosted by CDF
Date: Monday June 24, 2019
Time: 8:00 – 16:00
Location: Shanghai Expo Centre
Registration Fees: RMB ¥100 / USD $15
Presentation will be in: English
The Continuous Delivery Summit is a one-day event that brings together the open source CI/CD community. The day will consist of keynotes, project showcases and stories from end users, and BoF sessions. Meet peers and drive the future direction of continuous delivery.
How to Register: Pre-registration is required. To register for Continuous Delivery Summit, add it on during your KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit registration.
For questions regarding this event, please reach out to events@cncf.io.
DPDK China 2019 hosted by DPDK
DPDK 2019中国峰会
时间:8:00 – 16:00
注册费:人民币100元 / 15美金
希望优化虚拟机、容器以及混合网络的性能吗?希望最大化硬件的网络包处理能力吗?欢迎参加DPDK中国峰会,与全球DPDK相关开发人员和技术专家一起分享经验、聚焦创新。本次峰会汇集了包括DPDK新功能开发、平台优化、用户态协议栈、虚拟机和容器网络、虚拟交换、硬件加速器、持续集成、5G等方面的14个议题。详情请见: https://dpdkchina2019.sched.com/
如何注册:此活动须提前注册。请将 DPDK 2019中国峰会 添加到您 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit 的注册表里。
如果对此活动有任何疑问,请发送邮件至 events@dpdk.org。
DPDK China 2019 hosted by DPDK
Date: Monday June 24, 2019
Time: 8:30 – 16:00
Registration Fees: RMB ¥100 / USD $15
Presentation will be in: English
DPDK China is a community event focused on software developers who contribute to or use DPDK. The event will include presentations on the latest developments in DPDK, as well as in-depth discussions on the topics that are of most interest to the DPDK open source community.
Curious about optimizing your packet forwarding and improving your network throughput between your VMs, containers or hybrid environments? Come see presentations and discussions with the trend-setting DPDK developer community from around the world, learn about the latest DPDK applications from 5G to gaming, and more, at the DPDK Mini-Summit. See here for the complete Agenda: https://dpdkchina2019.sched.com/
For more information about this event, click here.
How to Register: Pre-registration is required. To register for DPDK China 2019, add it on during your KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit registration.
For questions regarding this event, please reach out to events@dpdk.org.
Kubernetes Contributor Summit
Kubernetes Contributor Summit
日期:2019 年 6 月 24 日星期一
我们将为New Contributor Summit 提供同声传译服务
如何注册:请访问 Kubernetes Contributor Summit 网站了解更多信息并进行注册。
有关此活动的任何问题,请联系 community@kubernetes.io。
Kubernetes Contributor Summit
Date: Monday June 24, 2019
Time: 9:00 – 16:00
Simultaneous translation will be provided for the New Contributor Summit.
The yearly Kubernetes Contributor Summit bring together new and current Kubernetes contributors alike to connect and share face-to-face. The China event is a full-day for people who contribute to Kubernetes, or are interested in becoming contributors, whether through writing code, documentation, infrastructure, project management, or the many other places they can help.
How to Register: Visit the Kubernetes Contributor Summit website for additional information and to register.
For questions regarding this event, please reach out to community@kubernetes.io.
Huawei – Huawei LiteOS, A Best Way Connecting to Cloud
Huawei – Huawei LiteOS,丰富的端云协同能力
向与会者展示开源Huawei LiteOS强大的端云对接能力
如何注册:此活动须提前注册。请将 Huawei LiteOS, A Best Way Connecting to Cloud 添加到您 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit 的注册表里。
如果对此活动有任何疑问,请发送邮件至 xuweijie4@huawei.com。
Huawei – Huawei LiteOS, A Best Way Connecting to Cloud
Date: Monday June 24, 2019
Time: 13:00 – 16:00
Registration Fees: Complimentary. Sold Out, Waitlist Available.
Presentation will be in: Chinese
Huawei LiteOS has an ability to connect to cloud, this will shortens the GTM time, reduce the development cost. We will present that ability to our attendees at this event。
How to Register: Pre-registration is required. To register for Huawei – Huawei LiteOS, A Best Way Connecting to Cloud, add it on during your KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit registration.
For questions regarding this event, please reach out to xuweijie4@huawei.com.
Open Data Autonomy Mini Summit hosted by OpenSDS
Open Data Autonomy Mini Summit hosted by OpenSDS
星期一, 8:00 – 16:00
注册费:免费. 已售罄,等候名单可用
Open Data Autonomy Mini Summit是KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe2019在上海举办的co-located会议,是关于云原生时代数据自主管理的迷你峰会。OpenSDS社区正在打造一个基于AI/ML,集资源发放,智能运维,数据保护,以及数据流动等服务于一体的自主数据管理平台。会议期间,OpenSDS将会展出数据自主管理平台的Demo、现有特性和路标,并有多家合作伙伴参与演讲。Open Data Autonomy Mini Summit欢迎对云原生数据和存储管理解决方案感兴趣的供应商、架构师、开发者和用户现场交流。
OpenSDS是Linux基金会下的开源项目,现有成员包括China Unicom, Click2Cloud, Dell EMC, Fujitsu, GMO Pepabo, Huawei, IBM, IIJ, Intel, KPN, Linbit, NTT Communications, OSU, Sakura Internet, Toyota, Vodafone, Western Digital, and Yahoo Japan。
Open Data Autonomy Mini Summit关注点:
1、Hands-on Workshop
2、Deep Dive Sessions
3、End User Sessions(演讲嘉宾来自社区开发者)
4、赶快加入Open Data Autonomy Mini Summit吧,我们提供充满能量的早餐和美味的午餐,让您与各参加者联谊。
如何注册:此活动须提前注册。将 Open Data Autonomy Mini Summit 添加到您 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit 的注册表里。
如果对此活动有任何疑问,请发送邮件至 info@opensds.io。
Open Data Autonomy Mini Summit hosted by OpenSDS
Date: Monday June 24, 2019
Time: 8:00 – 16:00
Registration Fees: Complimentary. Sold Out, Waitlist Available.
Simultaneous translation will be provided.
The Open Data Autonomy Mini Summit is about autonomous data management for cloud native and more. It is an all-day educational event co-located with KubeCon + CloudNativeCon China 2019 in Shanghai. The OpenSDS community is working together on a platform that integrates disparate data services (such as data replication, migration, protection etc.) together with AI/ML, into a self-driving data management platform that is scalable, resilient, and secure. Throughout the day, there will be presentations with demos and previews on platform features, roadmap, ecosystem updates, as well as presentations from end users. The Mini Summit welcomes vendors, architects, developers, and users who are interested in solutions and collaborations on data and storage management for cloud native environment.
OpenSDS is a Linux Foundation project and its members includes China Unicom, Click2Cloud, Dell EMC, Fujitsu, GMO Pepabo, Huawei, IBM, IIJ, Intel, KPN, Linbit, NTT Communications, OSU, Sakura Internet, Toyota, Vodafone, Western Digital, and Yahoo Japan.
Mini Summit Highlights
1. Hands-on Workshop
A hands-on (BYOD) tour of the platform which will walk through from installation to deployment, through GUI, CLI, and API’s
2. Deep Dive Sessions
Deep dive into the Open Autonomous Data Platform features, architecture, API’s, and demos covering multi-cloud, data lifecycle, migration, telemetry, ML/AI, automation and orchestration. Explore and help drive the roadmap and ecosystem.
3. End User Sessions (featuring speakers from the end-user community)
Learn how global enterprises are leveraging the Open Intelligent Autonomous Data Platform for digital transformation, and get to know real world use cases and requirements driving autonomous data management.
4. AM Break and Lunch Reception
Join us for breakfast to kick off the day and lunches and networking.
How to Register: Pre-registration is required. To register for Open Data Autonomy Mini Summit, add it on during your KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit registration.
For questions regarding this event, please reach out to info@opensds.io.
Open Heterogeneous Computing Framework Introduction hosted by Huawei
星期一, 9:00 – 16:00
/在本次活动中我们会介绍” Open Heterogeneous Computing Framework”这个新的开源社区,与其相关的几大开源社区的开发活动,以及2019和2020年的一些计划
如何注册:此活动须提前注册。将 Open Heterogeneous Computing Framework 添加到您 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit 的注册表里。
如果对此活动有任何疑问,请发送邮件至 zhipengh512@gmail.com。
Open Heterogeneous Computing Framework Introduction hosted by Huawei
Date: Monday June 24, 2019
Time: 9:00 – 16:00
Registration Fees: Complimentary
Presentation will be in: English
In this event we will introduce the new open source initiative Open Heterogeneous Computing Framework, efforts from related communities and planning for 2019 and 2020.
How to Register: Pre-registration is required. To register for Open Heterogeneous Computing Framework Introduction, add it on during your KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit registration.
For questions regarding this event, please reach out to zhipengh512@gmail.com.
Serverless Is More & Cloud Native Meetup hosted By Tencent Cloud
Serverless Is More & Cloud Native Meetup hosted By Tencent Cloud
背景:云原生技术的兴起为 Serverless 带来了发展的强劲动力,开发者可以把服务端的业务逻辑运行在无状态的容器或者函数中,无需关注系统架构及扩展性,更加专注在业务价值的实现。一天的 Meetup 活动围绕 Serverless 、云原生以及大数据on K8S相关的技术实践及落地案例分享,让参与的开发者亲身体验 Serverless 和云原生的魅力。
参加本次 Meetup 您将深入了解:
Application Level Networking – Taking Over Service Communication With Isito
Spark on Kubernetes: Past, Present and Future
Serverless Network Challenge And Achieve
How to bind serverless and DevOps to the future in the cloud
如何注册:此活动须提前注册。将 Serverless Is More & Cloud Native Meetup 添加到您 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit 的注册表里。
如果对此活动有任何疑问,请发送邮件至 julietwu@tencent.com。
Serverless Is More & Cloud Native Meetup hosted By Tencent Cloud
Date: Monday, June 24, 2019
Time: 09:00-12:00
Venue: Shanghai World Expo Center
Registration fee: Complimentary
Presentation will be in: Chinese
The rise of Cloud Native technology has given Serverless a strong driving force. Developers could run server-side business logic in stateless containers or functions without paying attention to system architecture and scalability, and focus more on business logic. The Serverless meetup event revolves around the professional practices and stories of Serverless, Cloud Native and Big Data on Kubernetes, allowing participating developers to experience the charm of Serverless and Cloud Native.
Join the Meetup and you will gain benefits below:
Application Level Networking – Taking Over Service Communication With Isito
Spark on Kubernetes: Past, Present and Future
Serverless Network Challenge And Achieve
How to bind serverless and devops to the future in the cloud
How to Register: Pre-registration is required. To register for Serverless Is More & Cloud Native Meetup, add it on during your KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit registration.
For questions regarding this event, please reach out to julietwu@tencent.com.
Serverless Is More Hands-on Workshop hosted By Tencent Cloud
Serverless Is More Hands-on Workshop hosted By Tencent Cloud
我们希望通过 Serverless Workshop 培训,为大家提供一个专门针对Serverless技术的深度交流和上手实操机会,帮助参会者了解Serverless最佳落地实战、创新应用及常见开发问题的排障和解决思路。使企业和相关研发人员可以根据技术实践确定自身业务的最佳选型方案,并提前预估相关的风险和收益。
参加workshop 您将收获:
Serverless 开发实战分享,包括常用开发工具使用及排障经验总结;
Serverless 云端最佳实践和实操演练(API调用、搭建web服务等);
如何注册:此活动须提前注册。将 Serverless Is More Workshop 添加到您 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit 的注册表里。
如果对此活动有任何疑问,请发送邮件至 julietwu@tencent.com。
Serverless Is More Hands-on Workshop hosted By Tencent Cloud
Date: Monday, June 24, 2019
Time: 13:00-16:00
Venue: Shanghai World Expo Center
Registration fee: Complimentary
Presentation will be in: Chinese
Serverless shortens the production time by introducing a cost-for-usage model and make software development more efficiently, which greatly reduces the company’s R&D and operating costs and changes the way the business operates. But for the actual serverless use cases, community and developers also feedback there is a lack of practices, such as how to quickly getting start, and how to integrate the existing architecture with Serverless.
Through the Serverless Workshop, we would like to provide you with a deep communication and hands-on practices to help participants understand the troubleshooting and solutions of Serverless architecture, and also learn how to troubleshooting with common development issues. Thus companies and personal developers can combine their business with serverless technology, and estimate relevant risks and benefits in advance.
Join the workshop and you will gain benefits below:
Serverless development experience, including the usage of development tools, and how to troubleshooting in serverless architecture;
Best practices and hands-on exercises on serverless architecture base on Cloud (REST API , web applications, etc.);
Introduce the best combination of Frontend, DevOps and Serverless technology;
How to develop a WeChat Mini program quickly through serverless architecture.
How to Register: Pre-registration is required. To register for Serverless Is More Hands-On Workshop, add it on during your KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit registration.
For questions regarding this event, please reach out to julietwu@tencent.com.
SOFAStack Cloud Native Workshop hosted by Ant Financial
由蚂蚁金服主办的SOFAStack Cloud Native Workshop
时间:9:00 – 16:00
SOFAStack(Scalable Open Financial Architecture Stack)是蚂蚁金服自主研发并开源的金融级分布式架构,包含了构建金融级云原生架构所需的各个组件,是在金融场景里锤炼出来的最佳实践。官方网站:https://www.sofastack.tech/
参加此次 Meetup 您将获得:
基于 SOFAStack 快速构建微服务
基于 Kubernetes 的云原生部署体验
云上的 Service Mesh 基本使用场景体验
基于 Serverless 轻松构建云上应用
如何注册:此活动须提前注册。请将 SOFAStack Cloud Native Workshop 添加到您 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit 的注册表里。
如果对此活动有任何疑问,请发送邮件至 jingchao.sjc@antfin.com。
SOFAStack Cloud Native Workshop hosted by Ant Financial
Date: Monday, 24 June, 2019
Time: 9:00 – 16:00
Location: Shanghai Expo Centre
Registration Fees: Complimentary
Presentation will be in: Chinese
SOFAStack (Scalable Open Financial Architecture Stack) is a financial-grade distributed architecture independently developed and open sourced by Ant Financial. It contains the components required to build a financial-grade cloud native architecture. It is a best practice tempered in financial scenarios. Official website: https://www.sofastack.tech/
Attendees can get:
Rapidly build microservices based on SOFAStack
Best Practices for Distributed Transactions in Financial Scenarios
Cloud native deployment experience based on Kubernetes
Service Mesh basic usage scenario experience on the cloud
Get started on Serverless apps
Easily build applications on the cloud based on Serverless
More information about the event here.
How to Register: Pre-registration is required. To register for SOFAStack Cloud Native Workshop, add it on during your KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit registration.
For questions regarding this event, please reach out to jingchao.sjc@antfin.com.
感谢各位的耐心等待!我们现已为 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon +开源峰会 2019 中国大会的社群同场活动提供了套餐选择和定价。为了尽可能多的接纳活动申请,我们为2019年的社群同场活动创建了四个套餐选项,并拟定了这个最佳实践和指南,以帮助您规划活动。请首先阅读最佳实践文档,以充分了解2019年的更新以及每个套餐选项所包含的内容。
Thank you all for excitement and patience while we have worked though options and pricing for 2019 community co-located events at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit China. In order to accommodate as many events as possible, we have created four package options for 2019 community co-located events and created this best practices and guide to help you plan your event. Please start by reading the best practices document to fully understand the 2019 updates and what is included in each package.
Once you are aware of the 2019 updates and have viewed package options available on page 16, Please fill out this form with the details about your event and the package you would like to go with. Note that it is unlikely that we would be able to increase the room size or package at a later date. Priority will be given to Diamond and Platinum sponsors for the first week, ending Friday, March 15. Community co-located space allocation will then follow in the order the information was received in the space request form.
Companies will be notified in the order received and will be sent a contract to reserve their chosen space by Friday, March 29. Contracts must be signed within 10 business days or the space will go to the next company in line.
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登记以及时了解KubeCon + CloudNativeCon的最新状态,如主题演讲公布,重要的日程表和活动通知,以及专属的场外活动等。
Sign up to be kept up-to-date on the latest developments around KubeCon + CloudNativeCon, like keynote announcements, important schedule and event notifications, exclusive offsite activities, and more.
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