Program Committee
Thank you to our 2018 LinuxCon + ContainerCon + CloudOpen China Program Committee.
- James Bottomley, Distinguished Engineer, IBM
- Paolo Bonzini, Sr. Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
- Rich Bowen, Vice President of Conferences, Apache Software Foundation
- Matt Butcher, Principal Software Development Engineer, Microsoft
- Jonathan Corbet, Executive Editor of
- Quinton Hoole, Technical Vice President, Huawei
- Peixin Hou, Chief Architect of Open Software and Systems, Central Software Institute, Huawei Technologies
- Ning Jiang, Open Source Developer, Huawei Technologies
- Greg Kroah-Hartman, Fellow, The Linux Foundation
- Anni Lai, Head of Global Business Development, VP of Strategy & Business Development, Huawei Technologies
- Li Li, Vice President, Huawei Technologies
- Michelle Noorali, Software Engineer, Microsoft
- XuDong (Bill) Ren, VP, Network Industry & Ecosystem Development, Huawei Technologies
- Kate Stewart, Sr. Director of Strategic Programs, The Linux Foundation
鸣谢 2018 LinuxCon + ContainerCon + CloudOpen 中国项目委员会。
- James Bottomley,杰出工程师,IBM
- Paolo Bonzini,高级首席软件工程师,Red Hat
- Rich Bowen,会议副主席,Apache Software Foundation
- Matt Butcher,首席软件开发工程师,微软
- Jonathan Corbet,执行编辑,
- Quinton Hoole,技术副总裁,华为
- Peixin Hou,开源软件与系统首席架构师,中央软件研究院,华为技术
- Ning Jiang,开源开发人员,华为技术
- Greg Kroah-Hartman,研究员,Linux Foundation
- Anni Lai,全球业务发展总监,战略与业务发展副总裁,华为技术
- Li Li,副总裁,华为技术
- Michelle Noorali,高级软件工程师,Microsoft
- Xudong (Bill) Ren,网络产业与生态系统开发副总裁,华为技术
- Kate Stewart,战略计划高级总监,Linux 基金会