活动 Program

Monday, June 24

新晋 Kubernetes 贡献者研讨会

新晋 Kubernetes 贡献者研讨会面向希望了解如何成为 Kubernetes 贡献者的人士。

New Kubernetes Contributor Workshop 是一次长达 5 小时的教学研讨会,包含参与式练习,涵盖关于如何为 Kubernetes 做贡献并成为 Kubernetes 社区成员的基础知识。该研讨会为期一天,不得中途离场。

与会者需携带笔记本电脑、签署贡献者许可协议,并注册 GitHub 帐户。 研讨会将通过同声传译以中英文两种语言进行。

当前 Kubernetes 贡献者研讨会

这一研讨会面向已经成为 Kubernetes 贡献者,但希望在峰会上了解更多信息或动手实践的人士。

本研讨会面向已加入 Kubernetes 社区但希望参加工作会议的 Kubernetes 贡献者,以及已参加新晋贡献者研讨会但希望了解更多有深度的贡献主题的贡献者。

当天会议将由社区安排,因此最终日程安排将在 6 月初公布。

Documentation Sprint

Documentation Sprints 面向希望通过编写原始文档、更新和改进文档或将现有文档翻译成中文和其他语言为项目做出贡献的社区成员。

与会者必须具备一定的英语书面表达能力,并且应携带笔记本电脑和签署 Kubernetes 贡献者许可协议。

New Kubernetes Contributor Workshop

The New Kubernetes Contributor Workshop is for those looking to find out how to become Kubernetes contributors.

The New Kubernetes Contributor Workshop is a 5-hour long tutorial, with participatory exercises, that covers the basics of contributing to Kubernetes and being part of its community. It is not possible to attend only part of the workshop, and you are expected to stay for the whole day.

Attendees will be expected to bring a laptop, sign the Contributor License Agreement, and have a GitHub account. The workshop will be held in both Chinese and English, with live translation.

Current Kubernetes Contributor Day

The Current Contributor Day is for attendees who are already contributing to Kubernetes, and want to learn more or do hands-on work at the Summit.

This day is for people who already contribute to Kubernetes and participate in its community and want a place to have working meetings, as well as contributors who have already taken the New Contributor Workshop and want to learn more in-depth contribution topics.

Sessions during this day will be arranged by the community, and as such a final schedule will be available in early June.

The Contributor Day will be held primarily in English, although one or two sessions may be in Chinese.

Documentation Sprint

The Documentation Sprints are for community members who want to help the project by either writing original documentation, updating and improving our documentation, or by translating the existing documentation into Chinese and other languages.

Attendees must have some proficiency in written English, should bring laptops, and should sign the Kubernetes CLA.