多样性和包容性 Diversity and Inclusion


Education and collaboration are vital to the future of the CNCF ecosystem and it is imperative to us that everyone in the community that wants to participate feels welcome to do so regardless of gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, race, ethnicity, age, religion or economic status. Our code of conduct outlines our expectations for all those who participate in our community, as well as the consequences for unacceptable behavior.



Nursing Room
A private nursing room will be available at the event to aid in the comfort and accessibility for our nursing attendees. The room will be available all days of the event and will be located onsite. For location information, please check with registration or information desk staff onsite.


Child Care
Complimentary child care will be available onsite during event days. Click here for more information.


Quiet Room
All attendees may feel free to use the Quiet Room as needed. It is a physical space where conversation and interaction are not allowed, where attendees can go if for any reason they can’t interact with other attendees at that time.


如果您正受到骚扰、看到其他人受到骚扰或有任何其他忧虑,请立即联系我们的活动工作人员。活动工作人员均佩戴工作人员胸牌,可在活动登记处随时找到。我们的工作人员参加了应急响应培训,能够按照 Ada Initiative 推荐的流程(可点击此处,访问 Geek Feminism Wiki 以查询相关信息)处理骚扰报告。



The Linux Foundation 联系方式:
Vanessa Heric
Associate Director of CNCF Events

If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of the event staff immediately. Event staff can be identified by staff badges and/or shirts onsite and can be found at the event registration counter at any time. Our staff has had incident response training, responds to harassments reports and does so in accordance with the process recommended by the Ada Initiative, which can be found here on the Geek Feminism Wiki.

Conference staff will be happy to help participants contact hotel/venue security or local law enforcement, provide escorts, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of the conference.

If you are planning to attend an upcoming event and have concerns regarding another individual who may be present, please reach out to us pre-event. Precautions will be taken to ensure a victim’s comfort and safety, including, but not limited to providing an escort, prepping onsite event staff, keeping victim and harasser from attending the same talks/social events and providing onsite contact cell phone numbers for immediate contact.

Linux Foundation Contact:
Vanessa Heric
Associate Director of CNCF Events