Call for Proposals (CFP) 演讲提案征集
Dates to Remember
- CFP Open: May 21, 2018
- CFP Close: July 6, 2018
- CFP Notifications: August 14, 2018
- Schedule Announced: August 16, 2018
- Event Dates: November 14–15, 2018
- 提案征集起始日期:2018年5月21日
- 提案征集截止日期:2018年7月6日
- 提案征集通知日期:2018年8月14日
- 会议日程通告日期:2018年8月16 日
- 会议活动举办日期:2018年11月14日至15日
Co-Chairs 联席主席

Liz Rice
Liz Rice is the technical evangelist at container security specialists Aqua Security. Prior to that she was CEO of Microscaling Systems and one of the developers of MicroBadger, the tool for managing container metadata. She has a wealth of software development, team, and product management experience from working on network protocols and distributed systems, and in digital technology sectors such as VOD, music, and VoIP. When not building startups and writing code, Liz loves riding bikes in places with better weather than her native London.
Liz Rice是Aqua Security的容器安全专家,并且是一名技术传播者。在此之前,她是 Microscaling Systems的首席执行官、MicroBadger(一种管理容器元数据的工具)的开发者之一。她在网络协议和分布式系统以及数字技术领域,如视频点播 (VOD)、音乐和互联网协议电话(VoIP)等方面拥有丰富的软件开发、团队和产品管理经验。当没有创建初创公司和编写代码时,Liz喜欢在天气比其家乡伦敦更好的地方骑自行车。
Janet Kuo
Janet is a Software Engineer for Google Cloud. She joined the Kubernetes project before the 1.0 launch in 2015. She is the owner of Kubernetes workload APIs and an active SIG Apps contributor. She enjoys speaking at conferences and meetups about Kubernetes and has delivered talks on 3 continents. In her free time, she likes to travel and take photos.
Janet是谷歌云(Google Cloud)的软件工程师。她在2015年1.0 版发布之前加入了Kubernetes 项目。她是Kubernetes工作负载 API的所有人,也是一个活跃的SIG Apps的贡献者。她喜欢在不同的Kubernetes论坛和会议上分享见解,并且已经在三个不同的大洲发表过演讲。闲暇时间,Janet喜欢旅行和拍照。